
Group tours from rental station

Our standard offer for group tours from an official rental station

A good 30 rental stations have ten or more bicycles or e-bikes. The largest rental stations such as Biel, Saignelégier, Solothurn, Murten, Noiraigue, Airolo, Locarno, Bellinzona, Romanshorn or Willisau even offer up to 150 bikes or e-bikes. So you can find attractive offers for groups in every Swiss region and benefit from favourable conditions.

Groups of ten or more paying persons receive a 20% discount on the normal rate including helmet rental and return fee (reductions with GA/Semi-tax are no longer possible).

You can conveniently pick up your rental bike at one of the official Rent a Bike rental stations and return it to one of the defined return stations. We will take care of the return transport. The current rental stock can be seen in the booking mask.

Allg. Infos Gruppe ab Vermietstation

Group travel from rental station

General information for group travel from one rental station

  • A reservation is possible online at any time
  • The general terms and conditions of the daily rental apply.
  • Reservations for groups should be made as early as possible.
  • The group discount of 20% is available for bookings of at least 10 rental properties.
  • The number of bicycles per station is limited.
  • The general prices of the daily rental apply.

Have you not found a suitable offer?

We offer the group tour à la carte from 10 persons. You determine the starting point and destination and we bring the rental vehicles to the defined location.

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