
Rental conditions for group travel à la Carte

1. Scope of application
1.1 These rental conditions apply to the rental of group bicycles offered by Rent a Bike AG.

1.2 There is a minimum number of participants of 10. If this number is not reached or is not reached due to cancellation, the costs for 10 bikes will be charged.

2. services and prices
2.1 The prices according to the offer shall apply.

2.2 Rent a Bike AG offers the rental of bicycles including their transport from the logistics centre to the desired location as well as the return transport to the logistics centre. Other services such as the journey of the participants, the guidance of the group or the breakdown service are not included in the services of Rent a Bike AG.

2.3 All prices are inclusive of VAT.

3. Conclusion of contract
3.1 The contract between you and Rent a Bike AG shall be concluded as soon as you receive the order confirmation from Rent a Bike AG.

3.2 These General Terms and Conditions shall form an integral part of the contract.

3.3 We will confirm the binding dates and times to you in writing. We kindly ask you to check our confirmation carefully upon receipt and to notify us of any discrepancies within 5 working days.

4. Payment
4.1 The client is obliged to pay the agreed invoices in due time.

5. Changes / Postponement / Cancellation
5.1 A change in the number of participants is possible free of charge up to 72 hours before the start of the trip.

5.2 A postponement of your group tour is possible free of charge up to 72 hours before the start of the tour at the latest. Rent a Bike AG does not guarantee the availability of the bikes on the requested rescheduled date.

5.3 Cancellations will be charged as follows from the time the order is placed:

  • Cancellation from the date of order up to 3 days before the start of the trip: 20 % of the total amount
  • Cancellation 1 to 3 days before departure: 50 % of the total amount, min. CHF 300
  • Cancellation 0 to 1 day before departure: 100 % of the total amount, min. CHF 300

6. choice of route and starting point / destination as well as pick-up / drop-off time
6.1 The starting point and destination must be precisely defined by the Hirer and must be accessible by private transport. The access roads must also be legally passable with a trailer. Rent a Bike AG does not guarantee delivery in the event of inaccessibility of the start or destination point.

6.2 The confirmed pick-up and drop-off times are binding. If the pick-up or return times are exceeded by more than 30 minutes, the following charges will be made: Per hour incurred: CHF 120.00.

6.3 The Hirer shall take over the bicycle in a clean and safe condition. Any complaints on the part of the Hirer must be reported to the Rental Firm when the vehicle is handed over.

6.4 The vehicle and all accessories provided by the Rental Firm, such as child seats, keys, bicycle helmets, etc., must be returned to the Rental Firm complete and in perfect condition when the vehicle is returned.

6.5 The minimum age for drivers of an e-bike with a maximum speed of 25 km/h is 16 years by law (14 years with a moped permit).

7. Liability / Insurance
7.1 Insurance is the responsibility of the Hirer. By concluding the rental agreement, the Hirer confirms that he/she has liability insurance and thus sufficient cover for the risks involved in riding the bicycle or e-bike. The liability also extends to damage costs such as expert costs, depreciation or loss of rental income costs.

7.2 Defects during the rental period: Consult with the logistics provider or Rent a Bike AG.

7.3 The Hirer is obliged to notify the Rental Firm of any damage or loss that has occurred.

7.4 The Hirer is liable for all damage caused to the rented item and its accessories during the rental period as a result of falling, vandalism, the effects of elements, manipulation, the effects of transport and improper or improper use.

7.5 The Hirer shall be liable for theft or loss of the rental object or accessories during the rental period. The vehicle must always be secured. The loss will be charged to the Hirer at the replacement value.

8. accidents
Accidents and falls resulting in material damage must be reported to RaB immediately. If persons are injured and/or property damage is caused to third parties or if a third party is involved as a possible (co-)perpetrator, the police must be called in immediately and an accident report completed. A copy of this must be sent to RaB.

9. Use / Prohibitions
9.1 The renter undertakes to comply with the Road Traffic Act and to use the bicycle properly and carefully.

9.2 The renter is responsible for all damage resulting from negligence or improper use of the rented object, either to the rented object itself or to third party objects. It is not permitted to misuse the vehicle for any other purpose, to transport one or more additional persons on the luggage carrier or to drive over obstacles where the vehicle may obviously suffer damage.

9.3 The use of the rental equipment for racing purposes is prohibited.

9.4 The use and wearing of the helmets provided free of charge is voluntary and at the rider's own risk. The lessor declines all liability in this matter.

10. Complaints
10.1 Rent a Bike AG undertakes to provide the bicycles in accordance with the agreed programme.

10.2 If the service provided by Rent a Bike AG does not correspond to the contractually agreed services, the booking office must be informed immediately. Any claims for reduction or refund must be addressed to Rent a Bike AG in writing within 30 days.

11. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
11.1 The relationship between you and Rent a Bike AG shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law.

11.2 The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Willisau (LU).

Willisau, January 2023

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