

Giving healthy gifts brings joy

Surprise your family, friends or work colleagues with an excursion from Rent a Bike.

We offer the following vouchers for a one-day rental:

  • E-Bike City vouchers
  • Bike vouchers
  • Tandem vouchers for 2 people
  • E-Mountain Bike Hardtail Vouchers
  • E-Mountainbike Fully vouchers

The vouchers can be redeemed at Rent a Bike rental stations so that the recipient can choose from great tour suggestions in all regions of Switzerland.

The new vouchers can be generated from the end of January 2024 at the latest.
Thank you for your understanding



Are you looking for an original and at the same time meaningful gift?
Surprise your family, friends or work colleagues with an excursion from Rent a Bike.

We offer the following vouchers for a one-day rental:

  • Bike Voucher
  • E-bike City Voucher
  • E-Mountainbike Hardtail Voucher
  • E-Mountainbike Fully Voucher
  • Tandem voucher for 2 persons

The vouchers can be redeemed at all Rent a Bike rental stations, allowing the recipient to choose from great tour suggestions in all regions of Switzerland.

With Rent a Bike, around 4,500 vehicles are available at 150 locations throughout Switzerland. A unique feature is the option to return bikes to a location other than the rental station. The dense network of rental stations and the flexible logistics make it possible to put together any kind of tour.

A voucher is valid for one day's rental of a vehicle.
In the general terms and conditions you will find everything you need to know about the further procedure and the payment options.

The new vouchers can be generated from the end of January 2024 at the latest.
Thank you for your understanding.

Neue Saison - Neue Gutscheine

Sind Sie noch im Besitz eines RailCheck Gutscheines, welche am 31.10.2023 abgelaufen ist?

Kein Problem - wir verlängern Ihnen die Gutscheine gerne.

Bitte stellen Sie uns die Originalgutscheine per Post zu, vermerken den Absender inklusive E-Mail Adresse und wir werden Ihnen die Gutscheine verlängern und per E-Mail zustellen. Falls Sie die Gutscheine in Papierform wünschen, packen Sie bitte noch ein vorfrankiertes Couvert dazu.

Sollten Sie Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren: 041 925 11 70 oder

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