
Price overview Rent

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025

Information: 1 day rental = calendar day (not 24h).

The half-day rate is only available for A-A rentals from 1:30 pm, which are booked spontaneously on site. For advance bookings or A-B rentals, the daily rate will be charged.

Rental bikes standard
Comfort bike)
1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 38.00 69.00 94.00
Half-Fare/GA 33.00 64.00 89.00
Normal tariff A-B 48.00 79.00 104.00
Half-Fare/GA 43.00 74.00 99.00
E-Bike City (bis 25 km/h) 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 60.00 109.00 149.00
Half-Fare/GA 55.00 104.00 144.00
Normal tariff A-B 70.00 119.00 159.00
Half-Fare/GA 65.00 114.00 154.00
E-MTB Hardtail 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 69.00 126.00 171.00
Normal tariff A-B 79.00 136.00 181.00
E-MTB Fully 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 89.00 162.00 221.00
Normal tariff A-B 99.00 172.00 231.00
MTB Hardtail 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 48.00 87.00 119.00
Normal tariff A-B 58.00 97.00 129.00
MTB Fully 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 69.00 126.00 171.00
MTB Fully All Mountain / Enduro 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 89.00 162.00 221.00
Kids Bike 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 20.00 36.00 50.00
Normal tariff A-B 30.00 46.00 60.00
Kids Mountainbike 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 25.00 46.00 62.00
Normal tariff A-B 35.00 56.00 72.00
Kids Trailer 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Normal tariff A-A 38.00 69.00 94.00
Normal tariff A-B 48.00 79.00 104.00
Helmet rental 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Day tariff 5.00 9.00 12.00


Prices in CHF incl. VAT

Information / Conditions valid from 01.01.2024

  • The half-day rate is only available for A-A rentals from 1:30 pm, which are booked spontaneously on site. For advance bookings or A-B rentals, the daily rate is charged.
  • A-A = Pick-up and return of the two-wheelers at the same station
  • A-B = Pick-up and return of the two-wheelers also possible at another rental bike station (+ CHF 10.-). No return fee is charged for accessories.
  • 1 day rental = calendar day (not 24h)
  • Child seats, if available, are given free of charge when renting a bike/e-bike (please reserve).
  • Children's trailers can only be rented in combination with a bicycle or e-bike. The trailers are intended exclusively for children and, if necessary, for luggage and not for animals.
  • A-B rental is not possible for tandems.
  • Rental bicycles can only be taken on trains free of charge if the rental contract has been issued at a railway counter.

Group discounts and reductions are applied to the complete booking. They are only valid at official Rent a Bike rental locations. No accumulation of discounts is possible. RailBon, vouchers, promotions, etc. are not eligible.

  • Reduced: The "Reduced for GA/Semi-Fare" rate worth CHF 5.00 is only available on the bicycle and e-bike City category.
  • Group: The group discount of 20% on everything (incl. return fee and helmet rental) is available for bookings of at least 10 rental objects. 
  • School: The school discount of 30% on the category bike / MTB-V-Brake, the accessories and the return fee is available for bookings of school classes accompanied by a teacher with at least 10 rental items.

The return fee of CHF 10.00 is charged for every A-B rental (return away from home) for all rental vehicles. No return fee is charged for accessories. 

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