
Offer for school classes

School classes benefit from a 30% discount

We have large stations with more than 25 bikes in all parts of Switzerland. You will find attractive offers for school classes in every region. School groups accompanied by a teacher receive a 30% discount on the normal rate from 10 paying persons incl. helmet rental and return fee.

Prerequisite: the bikes must be obtained and returned directly at an official Rent a Bike rental station.

For school classes, Rent a Bike applies the same conditions as SBB. The discount for children up to the age of 16 also applies to participants up to the age of 25, provided that the requirements of compulsory school, secondary school, university, homes for the disabled or J&S are met.

Text Schulklassen

Reservation School class


General information for a school trip

  • A reservation is possible online at any time
  • The general terms and conditions of the daily rental apply.
  • Reservations for groups should be made as early as possible.
  • The school discount of 30% is available for bookings of at least 10 rental objects.
  • The number of bicycles per station is limited.
  • The general prices of the daily rental apply.

Price overview school classes

Bike types 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Countrybike / Mountainbike V-Brake / Citybike 26.60 48.30 65.80
MTB Hardtrail (Stevens) 33.60 60.90 83.30
Helmet 3.50 6.30 8.40


Prices already incl. school discount 30%, in CHF incl. VAT

Have you not found a suitable offer?

We also offer an individual group tour for school classes. School classes benefit from reduced prices with this offer.

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