
Group tour à la carte

For your tailor-made group excursion with the rental bike

Discover Rent a Bike's group tours and enjoy an excursion with colleagues, employees, club members or students. 

Book a group tour à la carte and determine the start and destination of your tour. No matter where, what and when: Rent a Bike delivers the bikes you want to the place of your choice.

  • Our mobile bike stations are equipped with comfortable e-bikes, e-mountain bikes and country bikes.
  • Technical support and luggage transport during the tour can be booked on request.
  • Free helmet with hygiene insert
  • Please note that the prices of the à la carte group tour differ from the official price list.
Aufgereihnte E-MTB für Gruppenreise à la Carte

Aufgereihnte E-MTB für Gruppenreise à la Carte

Your advantages at a glance

  • You determine the starting point and destination
  • You travel comfortably
  • You decide when, where and how long your tour takes place
  • We take care of the transport and logistics of the bicycles
  • You determine the number and objects of the group tour (from 10 persons)
  • You enjoy your event carefree on comfortable bicycles

Price overview groups

Bike types 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days
Countrybike / Citybike* 38.00 69.00 94.00
MTB Hardtail 48.00 87.00 119.00
E-Bike City / Trekking 60.00 109.00 149.00
E-MTB Hardtail 69.00 126.00 171.00


  • Prices in CHF incl. VAT
  • *School classes benefit from discounted prices
  • Possible for groups of 10 or more
  • Transport costs of at least CHF 550.00 (vary depending on start and end point)
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