
Group tours

With Rent a Bike you will experience an unforgettable excursion with your group.

Discover the group offers of Rent a Bike and enjoy a bike ride with your colleagues, employees, club members or pupils. Whether it's a fun ride through the hills, a leisurely descent from the mountain into the valley or a pleasure ride on an e-bike.

E-Bikes aufgereiht in Vermietstation

Group from rental station

Over 40 stations have 10 bikes and more, and the largest rental points such as Airolo(Ambri), Biel, Murten, Noiraige, Willisau, Romanshorn or Saignelégier have between 70 and 200 bikes. So you will find attractive offers for groups in every Swiss region.

Group from rental station

Group à la Carte

Group à la Carte

Discover Rent a Bike's group tours and enjoy an excursion with colleagues, employees, club members or students. Book a group tour à la carte and determine the start and destination of your tour. No matter where, what and when: Rent a Bike delivers the bikes you want to the place of your choice.

Group à la Carte

School trip

School trip

You will find attractive offers for school classes in every Swiss region. School classes also benefit from special rates for à la carte group trips, please state that it is a school class when requesting a quote. School classes benefit from a 30% discount.

School trip

Tour suggestions

Tour suggestions

Let yourself be inspired by our versatile tour suggestions.

Tour suggestions

GTC of Groupe à la carte

GTC of Groupe à la carte

The General Terms and Conditions of Hire for à la carte group tours are a good preparation for the trip. In the General Terms and Conditions you will find important information such as cancellation conditions, interruption of the rental relationship, minimum age and much more.

General Terms and Conditions Group Travel à la Carte


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