
Let us advise you and test the different e-bikes.

If you are thinking about buying a new e-bike, you can quickly lose track of all the offers. A personal consultation at Rent a Bike and a test ride will help you make the right decision.

Are you thinking of buying a new e-bike? Rent a Bike has a wide range of used and new bikes from the popular brands FLYER, Tour de Suisse and Stevens. Come and see us or make an appointment for a consultation in advance. Our expert team will be happy to support you in your purchase decision. We will evaluate the right e-bike for you based on your needs and the intended use. 

With us you will find your new e-bike, tailored to your personal requirements.

The e-bikes, e-mountain bikes, bicycles and mountain bikes from Rent a Bike are of the highest quality from the leading manufacturers FLYER, TOUR DE SUISSE RAD and STEVENS. During the rental period, all bikes are regularly serviced. After one to three years, we replace our vehicles and sell them.

New purchase via

New purchase via

At Rent a Bike you will find the right bike for your personal cycling experience. The sale of new FLYER, Tour de Suisse and Stevens bikes stands for quality, sustainability and top value for money.

Spring & Autumn Sale

Spring & Autumn Sale

In spring and autumn, a large second-hand bike sale takes place at various locations in Switzerland. Benefit from great offers.

Spring & Autumn Sale



Surprise your loved ones and give joy with an original and meaningful gift.


Service & Garantie

Service & Garantie

Get your bike in tip-top shape. In the annual bike service, your bike is brought into shape and checked for minor defects.

Professional advice

Professional advice

Benefit from expert advice and take advantage of a test ride to get a feel for your bike. Our team has a great deal of expertise and will find the right bike together with you. Make an appointment right here.

Make an appointment online now

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