Spring & Autumn Sale

Spring and autumn sale

You will find Rent a Bike branches in Willisau (head office), Murten, Romanshorn and Locarno. You can find further locations in Burgdorf and Winterthur. Easily accessible by public transport and with plenty of parking spaces on site.

With the second-hand bikes from Rent a Bike, you are guaranteed quality at a high level:
Every bike or e-bike is overhauled before sale and is in very good condition. So you can ride your bike cheaply, safely and for a long time.

Every spring and autumn, a second-hand bike sale takes place at various locations. You benefit from great offers with a large number of second-hand mountain bikes and second-hand e-bikes from top Swiss brands. The sale is open to the public - it's as good as it gets. Details of the offers and the sale days in spring and autumn can be found at

Frühlings- und Herbstverkauf
Frühlings- und Herbstverkauf
Frühlings- und Herbstverkauf
Frühlings- und Herbstverkauf

There is also a big autumn sale at the end of each season, when the rental bikes return to our locations. 

Drop by spontaneously and test the high-quality e-bikes, e-mountain bikes, country bikes, mountain bikes or comfort bikes for yourself at one of the sales locations. We recommend that you reserve the bike of your choice in advance at If you like the bike you have tested, you can buy it on the spot and (possibly) take it with you.

By the way: you can also buy second-hand bikes at selected locations during the year, more information at

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