
Our visions

In 1987, the newly founded Rent a Bike AG started out with a fleet of 1300 basic bicycles. Today, we offer an impressive selection of 5000 bicycles, mountain bikes and e-bikes to suit almost every taste. Thanks to our dedicated sales partners, we are present in all tourist regions of Switzerland with our 120 rental stations.

We want to continue to offer our rental vehicles and A-B rental - for example from Lausanne to Romanshorn - nationwide so that our customers can enjoy their excursions on the SwitzerlandMobility network without any worries. And with innovative offers such as long-term rental, we want to offer all two-wheeler fans the perfect mobility solution, not just for day trips or club outings.

We want to continue to offer our rental vehicles and A-B rental - for example from Lausanne to Romanshorn - nationwide so that our customers can enjoy their excursions on the SwitzerlandMobility network without any worries. And with innovative offers such as long-term rental, we want to offer all two-wheeler fans the perfect mobility solution, not just for day trips or club outings.

Our primary goal is to place the concerns and needs of our valued customers at the centre of everything we do. We strive to ensure a high level of reliability in our products and services and to distinguish ourselves in all four business areas through first-class and pioneering performance.



With our rental range, we meet all needs, from the family to the sportsman. With over 120 rental stations, we cover the whole of Switzerland and enable tours from Lake Geneva to Lake Constance.

Rent & Tours

Commuter and leisure mobility

Commuter and leisure mobility

Our long-term rental offers from one month and the new subscription solutions are the low-cost alternative to purchasing and leasing with clearly calculable total costs. Our customers have full flexibility and can take over the rented e-bike after the rental period.

Long Term Rental & Subscriptions

Corporate E-Bike Sharing

Corporate E-Bike Sharing

Our corporate e-bike sharing is the carefree package for the efficient and healthy mobility of employees - including management platform, app, maintenance and insurance.


E-bike and bicycle sales

E-bike and bicycle sales

The sale of used and new bicycles is our fourth business area, which is derived from the first three business areas. Here too, with the brands FLYER, Tour de Suisse and Stevens, the focus is on quality, sustainability and value for money.

Sale & Service

Our values

1. highest quality of experience - in all Swiss language regions.
E-bike and bike tours enable sustainable experiences with a positive impact on our health, the environment and society. With our rental stations in all Swiss destinations, we ensure easy access to high-quality rental vehicles. With safe and high-quality Swiss products, we meet every purpose, every need and also the most diverse requirements.

2. Sustainability and Swiss quality
With our offers, we sustainably support low-emission, efficient and healthy locomotion. We rely on the two Swiss manufacturers TOUR DE SUISSE RAD and FLYER, which specialise in the production of premium bikes and e-bikes. All products focus on safety, stability, comfort and high functionality. And thanks to high-quality, coordinated components and stable frames, the bikes and e-bikes we use have a particularly long service life.

3. Fair and long-term partnerships
Our diverse range and national coverage are only possible thanks to long-term partnerships. Since the beginning, we have worked together with the Swiss Federal Railways SBB, other KTU such as the BLS and tourism organisations. Over time, other important organisations and companies such as SwitzerlandMobility, Swiss Youth Hostels, TCS Camping and Intersport Switzerland have joined us. We are convinced that fair, open and long-term partnerships create added value for everyone.

4. employees
As a service company, our employees are our most valuable asset. The dynamic world of tourism, seasonality and the growth of the e-bike market require a high level of commitment from all employees. That is why we offer an environment in which each and every employee can contribute his or her own skills, interests and experience. Our family-like corporate culture, the short decision-making processes and the good team spirit also contribute to a sustainable positive working atmosphere.

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