
Head office Willisau

Rent a Bike - Four business areas for your riding pleasure

Our aim is to put your needs at the centre and offer first-class services in all areas.

Tourism: 120 hire locations throughout Switzerland - from families to athletes, the right bike for every tour.
Long-term hire: From one month - the flexible and cost-effective alternative to buying for private individuals and companies.
E-bike & bike sales: High-quality second-hand and new bikes from Tour de Suisse, STEVENS & FLYER - sustainable and fair prices for high quality.
Bike workshop: At the Willisau headquarters - professional repairs and maintenance for a safe riding experience.

Rent a Bike - quality, service & riding pleasure from a single source!

Bild Hauptsitz Willisau

Bild Hauptsitz Willisau

Opening hours

10.03.2025 - 31.03.2025

Sales and shop:

Monday - Wednesday: 9.00-12.00 & 13.30-17.00
Thursday - Friday: 9.00-12.00 & 13.30-18.00
Saturday: 9.00 - 16.00 without interruption

We can be reached by phone as follows:
Tel +41 41 925 11 70
Monday-Friday: 9.00-12.00 & 14.00-17.00

2 Spalten - Romanshorn

Rent a Bike Romanshorn

Rent a Bike AG - Romanshorn
Friedrichshafnerstrasse 55a
8590 Romanshorn

phone +41 71 461 14 58
Route map


November - January

On request by phone: +41 71 461 14 58
Head office Rent a Bike, Willisau: +41 41 925 11 70

March - October
Monday - Sunday: 8.00-11.45 h & 13.15-17.45 h

Monday - Friday: 8.00-11.45 h & 13.15-16.00 h
Saturday: 8.00-16.00 h continuously

Rent a Bike Murten

Rent a Bike AG - Murten
Bahnhofstrasse 17                                     
3280 Murten

phone +41 26 670 31 61
Route map           

November - February
On request by phone: +41 26 670 31 61
Head office Rent a Bike, Willisau: +41 41 925 11 70

Company holidays: 21.12.2024-04.01.2025

March- October
Monday - Sunday: 9.00-12.00 h & 12.30-18.00 h

Monday - Friday: 9.00-12.00 h  & 13.30-18.00 h
Saturday: 9.00-16.00 h continuously

2 Spalten - Romanshorn

Rent a Bike Locarno and BikePort Bellinzona

Rent a Bike AG
Piazza Stazione
6600 Locarno

Tel. +41 91 869 14 39

ONLY rental from april to october.

March - October
Monday - Sunday: 8.30-12.00 & 13.30-18.00

from May 12, 2024 - October 2024
Monday- Sunday: 8.30-12.00 & 13.30-18.00

November 2024 - March 2025

Viale Stazione 36b
6500 Bellinzona

Tel. +41 91 243 09 78

Opening hours:
Tuesday to saturday
9:00-13:00 & 15.00-18.00

2 Spalten Öffnungszeiten Locarno Bellinzona

Book an appointment with us right away.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at any time from Monday to Friday by phone +41 41 925 11 70 or by e-mail

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