Nord Vaudois–Jura

Nord Vaudois–Jura

Route 01, Lausanne - Yverdon-les-Bains

From Lausanne up to Grand Mont. The hilly landscape is characterized by woodland and open fields, the villages by farmsteads with impressive archways. Along the Canal Oriental on to Yverdon-les-Bains, a lakeside spa town with a castle.

Distance 37 km
Ascent/Relegation 440 m / 460 m
Condition Medium
Roads & Paths
Asphalt 37 km
Natural covering 0 km



Nord Vaudois–Jura

Nord Vaudois–Jura

Route 01, Lausanne - Yverdon-les-Bains
Distance 37 km
Ascent/Relegation 440 m / 460 m
Condition Medium
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