
Thurgau - gentle and lively landscapes

Wide views over the water and the mountains within reach: on the southern shore of Lake Constance, the landscape of Thurgau spreads out on gentle hills. A terrain as if modelled for cycling.

Starting from the harbour town of Romanshorn, you'll enjoy far more than hundreds of apple trees on this trail. Thurgau offers many beautiful corners, secluded spots, dreamy hamlets and old walls. At the same time, you'll experience the pulsating life on the shores of Lake Constance. You can gondola comfortably on your e-bike to your pleasure stations and their hosts.

This scavenger hunt on 2 wheels is also suitable for e-bike beginners. If required, you can also rent the e-bike (support up to 25 km/h) together with the FoodTrail ticket.

Welcome to the enjoyable scavenger hunt on 2 wheels through Thurgau!

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