
Seetal - Valley of castles and lakes

Two lakes, two cantons, several castles and many views await you in the Seetal. The Seetal lies between Lenzburg in the canton of Aargau and Lucerne. It is a pearl in the centre of Switzerland and the oldest and largest wine-growing region in Canton Lucerne. Fruit trees and castles line the way.

You enjoy great views here: the lake reflects below, the nearby mountains and white Alps dazzle above. Starting from the pretty old town of Lenzburg, you experience this valley with many senses. You can comfortably gondola by e-bike to your pleasure stations and their hosts.

Switzerland's first FoodTrail with e-bike was created here in the Seetal in 2021. This scavenger hunt on 2 wheels is also suitable for e-bike beginners. If required, you can also hire the e-bike (support up to 25 km/h) together with the FoodTrail ticket.

Welcome to the enjoyable scavenger hunt on 2 wheels through the Seetal!

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