
E-Bike Tours Bern

Our tour suggestions for your next e-bike tour.

When e-bike tours bern, the landscape is experienced and enjoyed in all its diversity. In just a few minutes, e-bike fans can get from the city to nature. Route highlights such as the Zeitschlaufe Laupen, the Sagenroute Gantrisch, the Fernsichtroute Frienisberg and the Grüne Band Bern route are waiting to be discovered by e-bike.

Laupen Historical Loop

Laupen Historical Loop

Forget time on an e-bike and immerse yourself in the eventful past of the Bern region - welcome to Laupen Historical Loop! The 31-kilometre circular tour in the Laupen region inspires to pause and reflect on time.

Zeitschlaufe Laupen

Tales of the Gantrisch

Tales of the Gantrisch

Tales of the Gantrisch route leads e-bike fans through fairytale forests, through mystical gorges and over legendary hill ranges. Along the 64-kilometre-long e-bike route, bike enthusiasts discover the legends of the Gantrisch Nature Park.

Sagenroute - Gantrisch

the Scenic Route Frienisberg

the Scenic Route Frienisberg

A unique experience: the 43-kilometre-long adventure route around the Frienisberg will delight you with wonderful views of the Seeland, the city of Bern and the Alps.

890 Fernsichtroute Friensberg

Bern Green Belt - E-Bike Route 888

Bern Green Belt - E-Bike Route 888

The staged e-bike route 888 Grünes Band Bern connects the municipalities around the cycling city of Bern. The Green Belt is the perfect adventure route for connoisseurs.

Grünes Band Bern - Radwanderroute 888

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