
Look forward to the slowUp days

The slowUp days take place every year from spring to autumn. Reserve the ideal bike or e-bike from us for an unforgettable day.

The secret of slowUp's success is simple and convincing: wide roads in picturesque landscapes, a day without motorised traffic and a varied supporting programme along the route. The result is a festival unlike any other. People of all ages, families and singles, sports enthusiasts and connoisseurs spend a car-free Sunday in a cheerful atmosphere.

We cordially invite you to visit one of the slowUp experience days. Look forward to a unique experience where exercise, nature and community take centre stage.

Reservation SlowUp

next slowUp 2025

next slowUp 2025

13.04.2025  Ticino
27.04.2025  Murtensee
04.05.2025  Werdenberg-Liechtenstein
11.05.2025  Schaffhausen-Hegau
18.05.2025  Solothurn-Buechibärg
01.06.2025  Valais
15.06.2025  Hochrhein
29.06.2025  Jura
27.07.2025  la Broye
10.08.2025  Brugg Regio
24.08.2025  Sempachersee
31.08.2025  Bodensee Schweiz
07.09.2025  Mountain Albula
14.09.2025  Emmental-Oberaargau
21.09.2025  Basel-Dreiland
28.09.2025  Zürichsee

14.06.2026  Schwyz
23.08.2026  Seetal

For more information, visit:

*Reduction for Famigros members

Show your Famigros Card or Migros app (the Famigros logo must be visible under "Profile>My Cumulus") at the slowUp and benefit from the discount.

Reservation is recommended. (Discount will be granted on site)

Adventure days for young and old

The slowUp has established itself as a regional folk festival with a varied supporting programme along the route and inspires people beyond the country's borders. Young and old, families and sensualists, exercise enthusiasts and pleasure seekers enjoy the exuberant atmosphere in the car-free ambience.

Reserve your rental bike early!

  • Official slowUp rental bikes are available for hire at every venue.
  • Comfortable citybikes and trekking e-bikes are available in various frame sizes, and for families there are new Family Cargo e-bikes as well as children's bikes and trailers.
  • Reservations can be made in advance online.
  • Reserved bikes must be collected at the slowUp by 11 am.
  • Should something come up, cancellations can be made online or by telephone until Friday, 5 p.m. before each slowUp without incurring any costs. Tel. 041 921 05 75 or online
  • Vehicles for people with disabilities can be reserved by phone at Rent a Bike: Tel. 041 921 05 75 (until Friday 17.00).

We look forward to seeing you!

How it works

  1. Select the desired pick-up and drop-off station. Select the excursion date incl. time and press the CONTINUE button.
  2. After checking, you will be shown the available models that you can rent in the desired period. Select the desired bike with the appropriate size and confirm your entries with CONTINUE. (Not all stations work with bike sizes. The optimum size will be allocated on site. You are welcome to note the desired size in the comment).
  3. By registering or logging in, you will be redirected to your customer profile, where you can enter or check your personal data. Check your order in the summary and complete your booking.
  4. After your booking is complete, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. You can pay the rent on site in cash or with Maestro/Postcard. (Please note the payment instructions at the stations).

    Bicycles for people with disabilities can be reserved by telephone at Rent a Bike. 041 921 05 75

General rental conditions slowUp


The contract is concluded between the customer and Rent a Bike AG.


Bicycles are only reserved if the mandatory fields in the form (address, telephone number, etc.) are completely filled out. Reservations that are incomplete are considered void.

cancellation conditions

Cancellation / non-collection on the day of the slowUp event will be charged as follows: - until Friday, 5:00 p.m. before each slowUp: free of charge - cancellations AFTER Friday, 5:00 p.m. until the day of the slowUp: 100% of the total amount - NOT collection on the day of the event: 100% of the total amount

Bike handover

The lessee accepts the bike in an operationally safe and clean condition. Complaints on the part of the renter must be reported to the Rent a Bike employee on site when the bike is handed over.

Bike return

The renter is obliged to return the bike to the pick-up location by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the event. The bicycle and all accessories provided by the Lessor, such as child seats, bicycle helmets, etc., must be returned to the Lessor in perfect condition when the vehicle is returned. Lost or damaged accessories will be charged to the renter.


Insurance is the responsibility of the tenant. By completing the reservation, the lessee confirms that he has sufficient cover for the risks associated with riding the rental bike.

Bike helmet

Using and wearing a helmet is voluntary and is at your own risk. The lessor rejects any liability in this matter. The helmet rental is CHF 5.00.

Renter Liability

The renter undertakes to use the bike appropriately and carefully. The renter is fully responsible for all damage resulting from negligence or improper use of the bike. Use for racing purposes or for an uncontrolled driving style is prohibited.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This contract is subject to Swiss law. Exclusive place of jurisdiction is Willisau (LU).

Willisau, April 2022

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