
Things to know Long Term Rental

Scope of long-term rental
  • Rental period for the desired e-bike
  • Rental contract with: Personal data, rental period, pick-up location, rental costs
  • Provision of the e-bike, as well as instruction at the pick-up location
    • for the S-pedelecs 45 km/h, furthermore the redemption incl. third party insurance (yellow number plate)
  • Operating instructions and charger
  • Maintenance and protection package included 
How does the long-term rental order work?
  1. Reserve your desired e-bike online using the order form.
  2. After checking the eligibility, you will receive a confirmation from us. It takes approx. 5 working days for your e-bike to be made available.
  3. You pick up your e-bike at your desired pick-up location. RaB Murten, Romanshorn, Willisau or at one of the SBB stations. The agreed long-term rental period must be paid for in advance. (Cash or Maestro/Postcard) (For home delivery, the rental amount is due in advance. The delivery will only be triggered after receipt of payment).
Where can I get the e-bike for long-term rental?

You can collect your e-bike from one of our Rent a Bike shops in Willisau, Murten, Romanshorn or Bellinzona. You can also pick up your e-bike at the SBB stations listed. To do so, select the desired pick-up location on the order form.

Basel - Veloparking Centralbahnplatz; Bern - SBB station; Biel/Bienne - SBB station; Chur - SBB station; Genève - Gare CFF; Kreuzlingen - SBB station; Lausanne - Gare CFF; Lucerne - SBB station; Sargans - SBB station; Schaffhausen - SBB station; Solothurn - SBB station; St. Gallen - SBB station; Thun - SBB station; Winterthur - SBB station / Velostation; Zurich - SBB station.

There is also the option of home delivery.

Can I also have the e-bike delivered to my home?

Yes, we now offer home delivery in addition to the pick-up locations. Home delivery can be selected in the order process. Home delivery per route CHF 85 for 1 e-bike, costs per route for each additional e-bike CHF 25.00.

We will notify you of the approximate time before delivery. You will be informed of the detailed delivery window one day before delivery. The rental and home delivery will be invoiced in advance.
We will notify you again for the return delivery.

How can I pay for the e-bike long-term rental?

In addition to cash payment, we accept Maestro/Postcard as a means of payment.
We will issue an invoice for a renewal.

For home delivery, the invoice will be sent in advance. The delivery will only be triggered after receipt of payment.

What are the requirements for renting an S-pedelec (45km/h)?

The minimum age for taking out a long-term rental from Rent a Bike is 18 years. For the rental of an S-pedelec 45km/h, at least a driving licence cat. M (or car driving licence) is required.

Can I transport the rental bike from the long-term rental by public transport?

In principle, the bicycle from the long-term rental can be transported by public transport if the railway service permits this. You must check this in advance at The long-term rental can NOT be transported free of charge on the train. You will need your own bike ticket for this. For further information on self-loading of bicycles, please contact the SBB directly.

Can I extend the long-term rental?

Yes, you can extend the current rental at any time.

To do so, send us an e-mail to with the booking number / contract number and the desired extension. You will then receive an invoice for the extension.

The rental payment made will be credited 1:1, provided it is for the same vehicle.

Can I exchange the e-bike during the long-term rental?

The rented e-bike can be exchanged during the long-term rental. However, this is only possible with advance notice and if availability is guaranteed. In addition, an exchange fee of CHF 100.00 will be charged. The exchange can only be made at our Rent a Bike locations (Murten, Willisau, Bellinzona and Romanshorn).

Can I buy the e-bike after the long-term rental?

You can take over the e-bike after the rental period.

The purchase price goes back to the sales price from the start of the rental and not what was posted online at the time of purchase. 80% of the rent paid is credited to the sales price of the rented e-bike.

When purchasing, 80% of the rent paid is credited, up to a rental period of 5 months. From the 6th month of rent, 70% of the rent paid is credited. The sales price can be found on the rental contract. Send us an e-mail and you will receive the purchase offer.

What do I have to consider when returning the long-term rental?

The vehicle must be returned cleaned, in fully functional condition and with all accessories such as keys, operating instructions, etc.

Is e-bike leasing possible?

E-bike leasing and financing are in vogue. We offer attractive long-term rentals instead of classic leasing.
Your advantages over leasing are:

  • the high flexibility (model change possible at any time)
  • Short terms from 1 month
  • Terms can be adjusted at any time
  • attractive rental/purchase opportunities
E-bikes - legal aspects

In order to take into account the technical development of e-bikes and to increase safety, various regulations were adapted in 2012.
From a legal point of view, an e-bike is considered a "motorbike" Art. 18 of the Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Road Vehicles (VTS). A distinction can be made between:

  • Light motorised bicycles (Art. 18 Bst. b No. 1 VTS) i.e. single-seater electric bicycles with a maximum motor output of 0.5 kW, a so-called maximum design speed of up to 20 km/h that can be achieved without human muscle power - i.e. with pure motor power - and a pedal assistance that is effective up to a maximum of 25 km/h;
  • Other motor-assisted bicycles (Art. 18 let. a, No. 2 VTS) i.e. single-seater, single-track electric bicycles with a maximum engine power of 1 kW, a maximum design speed of up to 30 km/h and a pedal assistance that is effective up to a maximum of 45 km/h.

ASTRA has summarised the rules clearly in the following information sheet.

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