
Financing application

0% financing

You can conveniently pay for your bike in 6 to 24 instalments at no extra cost. We offer this service in close cooperation with bob Finance.

After you have sent us your personal details, we will have your financing application checked for creditworthiness at bob Finance and will let you know within 2 working days whether it has been approved. 

If bob Finance confirms the financing, we will send you the financing contract by e-mail for you to sign online. At the same time, you will receive the order confirmation for the purchase of your bike by separate e-mail. 

As soon as you have received your bike from us, bob Finance will send you the payment slips for the instalments by post and inform you of the date on which the first instalment is due.

Prerequisites for bob zero private customer financing are:

  • Financing amount per customer CHF 1'000 - CHF 10'770
  • Minimum age 21
  • Maximum age 65 (loan must be amortised by the 65th birthday)
  • Swiss nationals and foreigners resident in Switzerland
  • Foreigners admitted with Permis C or B (for Permis B, client must have been registered in Switzerland for at least 1 year
Former address
(applicant is at least 21 years old and max. 65 years old (loan must be amortised by 65th birthday))

Please upload your ID card here.
(Front and back, in colour and with complete code line, foreigner ID cards in the new credit card format)

The maximum upload amount of 100MB has been reached.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

*** The client assures that at the time of the conclusion of this contract no open debt collection proceedings, garnishments or certificates of loss are registered against him and that he is able to cover his living expenses completely without state support benefits such as unemployment benefits, social assistance, supplementary benefits of the disability insurance (IV) or full IV pension.

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