
FLYER was founded in the early 1990s with a pioneering spirit, Swiss precision and the highest quality standards.

In Huttwil in the heart of Switzerland, around 300 employees with the experience and expertise of three decades manufacture up to 400 premium e-bikes every day. Whether in the city, on an extended tour across the countryside or in the mountains: FLYER offers the right e-bike for every terrain and every season. With pioneering innovations, the company has shaped the development of the e-bike and is now the Swiss market leader. FLYER is present with subsidiaries in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands and has its own sales teams in France and Italy.

Bei der Entwicklung der E-Bikes legt FLYER grossen Wert auf:

  • Souveränes Fahrverhalten
  • Durchdachte Ergonomie
  • Innovatives Design
  • Höchste Qualität
  • Intelligente Systemintegration

Die erfolgreiche Entwicklungsarbeit von FLYER bestätigen verschiedene Testsiege und Awards aus der Bike-Branche in allen E-Bike-Segmenten. Zuletzt ein Sieg bei der Stiftung Warentest in Deutschland oder der fünfte Design & Innovation Award in Folge

Das FLYER Sortiment umfasst vier Segmente:









FLYER AG - as a leading producer and distributor of e-bikes - focuses as much as possible on the needs of its customers and sales partners. FLYER customers benefit from high-quality, durable and ecologically sound products. FLYER e-bikes are characterised by customer-oriented added value in terms of benefits, user-friendly functionality and customer-friendly services. FLYER's employees are the backbone of the company; the corporate culture is characterised by respect, fairness, transparency and commitment.

FLYER Produktion

FLYER Produktion

FLYER Firmengebäude

FLYER Firmengebäude

Bauleitung, Projektleitung, Küchenumbau, Badumbau, SanierungenBaumaschinenmechaniker/inBlechverarbeitungBlechverarbeitung und DrahtverarbeitungCreanetEinbauschrank nach MassFiLine - OnlineshopFitLine Duo und Q10FitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFleischverarbeitung, Schlachten, MaschinenFull Service Marketing Agentur Hochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitHolzbau InnenausbauHolzbau Wohnungsbau Öffentliches Bauen Holzbau Holzbau Innenausbau Holzbau FassadenbauInfrarotkabine PuraBagnoInnenausbau vom ProfiKaminfeger Koch :: Kaminfaegerdienst, Feuerungskontrolle, BrandschutzLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMicrosoft 365 BackupPflastersteinePhotovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikSEO Agentur LuzernTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTons AsiaVinYara Weinshop