
Frequently Asked Questions - Seasonal Rental

What advantages do I have with the system package?
  • Access to the booking and administration platform
  • All rental processes are in place
  • National communication as a Rent a Bike station on the following platforms:
  • Folding card from Rent a Bike (if entered by 31.01.2023)
  • 24/7 reservation at
  • Increased external clientele
  • The procedures, prices and general terms and conditions of Rent a Bike apply.

The offer is marketed accordingly and also found through national marketing and the strong partnerships with SBB, Swiss Parks, Youth Hostel, , etc. 

What advantages do I have as a seasonal renter WITHOUT a system package?
  • You can set your own rental prices
  • E-bikes primarily for your own guests
  • National communication as a rental partner on the following platforms:
  • Folding card (entry until 31.01.2022), available at all rental stations as well as at SBB stations
What is the system package?

System package for CHF 390 /station

With the system package, the seasonal rental partner is an official Rent a Bike rental centre and benefits from all Rent a Bike processes and communication services. Your rental centre is listed on, customers can book directly online 24/7. As a rental centre, you can manage your bookings, make changes, print contracts, etc. via our platform. The general terms and conditions of Rent a Bike apply, including pricing. You pay CHF 390.00 per company and season for the complete communication and use of the processes, documents and administration. These services attract additional customers to you. In order to be listed on our folding map as an official rental station, you must meet the entry deadline by 31.01.2023 at the latest.

How to proceed in case of repairs, defects and guarantees?

In the event of a defect, we recommend the following procedure: Contact Rent a Bike 041 925 11 70. Depending on the case, we will replace the bike, carry out a repair ourselves or commission a specialist dealer in the region to carry out the repair.



TOUR DE SUISSE and Stevens bikes:

The repair costs are to be borne by the party responsible. If the repair costs are not charged to the customer, the seasonal rental partner can also be held liable for the repair costs incurred (always check the bikes very carefully).

Expenses for warranty work or general repairs are borne by Rent a Bike (Rent a Bike 041 925 11 70 decides on warranty cases).

What should be done in the event of theft?

Theft of rented bicycles must be reported immediately to the police and to Rent a Bike. The protection package is included in the seasonal rental. Therefore, in the event of theft, only the excess of CHF 500.00 per incident will be charged.

Who is liable in the event of a claim?

Liability and protection package
The partner is fully liable for the material rented from Rent a Bike AG as well as for its use. Rent a Bike AG declines all liability in this regard.

Included in the seasonal rental is a comprehensive protection package which includes the following services:

  • Unforeseen and sudden damage to or destruction of a rented bike as a result of an accident or fall during use.
  • Damage, destruction or loss of a rented bike as a result of attempted or completed theft.

The following deductible will be applied in the event of a claim:

Accident events: 10 % of the damage costs, but at least CHF 100.00 per event.
Theft events: CHF 500.00 per event.

When will the seasonal rent be invoiced?

For the seasonal rental you will receive an invoice at the end of June / beginning of July payable within 20 days to Rent a Bike AG. The number of rentals does not affect the cost of the seasonal rental.

Do we need helmets?

We recommend ALWAYS wearing a helmet. Helmets are not compulsory for the e-bike types we offer. The supply of a helmet is not included in the seasonal rental. We recommend that you provide some suitable helmets. Order the appropriate helmets right away with the e-bikes.

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