
Conditions of Competition and Participation slowUp 2024

  • Eligibility to participate:
    The slowUp competition is organised by Rent a Bike AG with headquarters in Willisau and is advertised via our website and social media platforms. The competition is open to people who are resident in Switzerland and are at least 18 years old.

  • Participation period:
    The slowUp competition will be held individually during the slowUp season and will end with the last slowUp at the end of September 2024.

  • Participation options:
    Each participant may take part in the competition once per slowUp event.

  • Prizes per event:
    One-day e-bike hire for two people worth CHF 160.00 will be raffled off. A total of 17 prizes will be drawn.

  • Free participation:
    Participation in the competition is free of charge and there is no obligation to buy.

  • Notification of winners:
    The winners will be notified by e-mail within 5 working days of the respective competition.

  • Organisation and support:
    The competition is organised by Rent a Bike AG Willisau.

  • Legal recourse and data protection:
    Legal recourse is excluded. The data collected will be used exclusively for the organisation of the competition and will not be passed on to third parties.

  • Changes and termination of the competition:
    Rent a Bike AG, Willisau reserves the right to change, interrupt or prematurely terminate the competition at any time in the event of unforeseen circumstances or if attempts at manipulation are detected.

  • Final provisions:
    By participating in the competition, the participant expressly agrees to the conditions of participation. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the competition. 

Use of data and data protection

  • Rent a Bike AG is entitled to publish the names and photos of the winners on all advertising media, on the Internet and in the press.
  • Rent a Bike cannot be held liable for any loss of data during data transmission or for any other technical defects.
  • All participants in the competition also expressly and unconditionally agree to our data protection provisions.


  • Participants who complete the competition and leave a comment will automatically be entered into the prize draw.
  • The prizes cannot be paid out in cash.
  • The prizes are delivered exclusively to addresses in Switzerland.
  • The legal process is excluded.
  • The place of jurisdiction is in CH-Willisau. Swiss law is exclusively applicable.
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