
Job e-bike for employees

Big benefit - little effort

Employee benefits can make a significant contribution to increasing employer attractiveness and thus retaining employees in the company in the long term. Benefits with effective added value in the workplace and for private use are particularly attractive. This is exactly where our e-bike offers come in - and they are also attractive for you as an employer: e-bikes support a healthy work-life balance, promote the health of your employees and help to reduce car park usage at the same time.

E-Bike Benefit Advantages:

E-Bike Benefit Advantages:

Rent a Bike offers long-term hire for various types of e-bike. You benefit from the latest models from the Swiss brands FLYER and Tour de Suisse Rad and an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

  • Delivery to company location including instruction
  • Protection package and maintenance included
  • Flexible rental extension
  • Purchase possible after hire


The following requirements must be met by the employer and employee:

  • Personal long-term rental for employees
  • Subsidisation by the employer
  • Delivery and instruction from 10 e-bikes
  • Minimum rental period of 1 month


E-Bike City, E-Bike Trekking, S-Pedelec, E-Mountainbike Hardtail and E-Mountainbike Fully from the brands FLYER, STEVENS and Tour de Suisse.

The complete price list and the available e-bike models can be found at The complete price list and the available e-bike models can be found at

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Long-term rental / job e-bike

Subsidisation by employer

Employees of the company benefit from a subsidised rate from the employer for long-term rentals. The subsidised amount per employee is determined on a Swiss franc basis.

  • Subsidy: in CHF (e.g. CHF 500.00 per employee)
  • Minimum rental period: 3 months or as agreed

Rent a Bike invoices the amount of the subsidy to the company and deducts this subsidy directly from the invoice to the employee.


The contract for personal long-term hire is concluded directly between the employee and Rent a Bike. The prices and general terms and conditions of Rent a Bike for long-term hire apply. The invoice amount will be invoiced directly to the employee after delivery. Payment term: 10 days net.

An agreement on the amount of the subsidy is concluded between the employer and Rent a Bike. The invoice for the subsidised contributions will be issued to the employer after delivery. Payment term: 30 days net.


Orders are placed directly via the hire website. Details of how the order is processed will be explained when the specific offer is prepared for the company.
Delivery takes place centrally at the company location. Delivery is free of charge for orders of 10 e-bikes or more. Otherwise a flat-rate transport fee will be charged. When the bikes are delivered, instructions are given on the various e-bikes.

Interesting facts about the job e-bike

What is included in the protection package?

Liability insurance, protection package and assistance

Third party liability:
For vehicles with electric pedal assistance up to 45 km/h, compulsory liability insurance is included in the price. For e-bikes (motor assistance up to 25 km/h) and bicycles that do not require a licence, it is the responsibility of the renter to take out liability insurance.


Protection package
Included services: The hire price includes a comprehensive protection package that covers the following claims/events:

  • unforeseen and sudden damage and destruction of the rented bike as a result of an accident or fall during use.
  • Damage, destruction or loss of the rented bike as a result of attempted or completed theft.

Damage due to excessive wear and tear or lack of maintenance is expressly excluded from the protection package and must be borne by the renter in accordance with section 6.1 (GTC).


The following deductible is applied in the event of a claim:

  • Accident events: 10 % of the damage costs, but at least CHF 100.00 per event
  • Theft events: CHF 500.00 per event


In the event of a breakdown, the renter can make use of the included assistance. Detailed information on assistance can be found on the Rent a Bike website

Rental extension

The rental can be extended flexibly up to a maximum rental period of 36 months. The employee must inform of the extension of the long-term hire up to 5 days before returning the e-bikes.


The return is defined with the employer. If the long-term hire is extended, the vehicle must be returned to one of the official stations. Bring all accessories with you (charger, key, operating instructions).


When purchasing, 80% of the rent paid is credited, up to a rental period of 5 months. From the 6th month of rental, 70% of the rent paid is credited. The purchase price is deducted from the sales price from the start of the rental period. An individual offer can be requested via

E-bikes - legal aspects

In order to take into account the technical development of e-bikes and to increase safety, various regulations were adapted in 2012.
From a legal point of view, an e-bike is considered a "motorbike" Art. 18 of the Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Road Vehicles (VTS). A distinction can be made between:

  • Light motorised bicycles (Art. 18 Bst. b No. 1 VTS) i.e. single-seater electric bicycles with a maximum motor output of 0.5 kW, a so-called maximum design speed of up to 20 km/h that can be achieved without human muscle power - i.e. with pure motor power - and a pedal assistance that is effective up to a maximum of 25 km/h;
  • Other motor-assisted bicycles (Art. 18 let. a, No. 2 VTS) i.e. single-seater, single-track electric bicycles with a maximum engine power of 1 kW, a maximum design speed of up to 30 km/h and a pedal assistance that is effective up to a maximum of 45 km/h.

ASTRA has summarised the rules clearly in the following information sheet.

What are the requirements for renting an S-Pedelec (45 km/h)?

The minimum age for long-term hire from Rent a Bike is 18 years. To rent an S-Pedelec 45km/h, you must also have at least a Cat. M driving licence is required (or car driving licence).

Can I transport the rental bike from the long-term rental by public transport?

In principle, the bicycle from the long-term rental can be transported by public transport if the railway service permits this. You must check this in advance at The long-term rental can NOT be transported free of charge on the train. You will need your own bike ticket for this. For further information on self-loading of bicycles, please contact the SBB directly.

Can I exchange the e-bike during the long-term rental?

The rented e-bike can be exchanged during the long-term rental. However, this is only possible with advance notice and if availability is guaranteed. In addition, an exchange fee of CHF 100.00 will be charged. The exchange can only be made at our Rent a Bike locations (Murten, Willisau, Bellinzona and Romanshorn).

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