
Fleet purchase with optional service

Would you like your fleet in your company design or with special equipment variants?

You can also benefit from our full service when making a purchase. You can optionally book the management platform with Smartlock as well as the cleaning and maintenance package. This ensures that your e-bikes are managed efficiently and are always in top condition.

Top value for money: latest e-bikes, high-quality second-hand bikes
For every need: e-bike city, S-pedelec, e-bike trekking, e-mountainbike hardtail and e-mountainbike fully. Tour de Suisse, Stevens Bikes and Flyer brands
Advertising medium: Customised e-bikes (corporate identity)
Carefree package option: maintenance, cleaning and app

Tailored to your needs

  • Option 1: Maintenance: 1-year service, monthly maintenance tour, extraordinary repairs*
  • Option 2: Monthly cleaning (only in combination with option 1 "Maintenance")
  • Option 3: Connectivity only (system, app, smart lock)


per e-bike and year

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3


E-bike 25km/h

CHF 490.00 CHF 300.00 CHF 480.00 CHF 1'270.00

S-Pedelec 45km/h

CHF 590.00 CHF 300.00 CHF 480.00 CHF 1'370.00


CHF 590.00 CHF 300.00 CHF 480.00 CHF 1'370.00


Minimum contract period: 1 year, minimum quantity: 4 units
Target prices in CHF, excl. VAT, v2024

* excluding parts

Contact enquiry fleet purchase


The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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