
For hotels, leisure businesses & regions

Rent a Bike works with third-party partners in a simple cooperation model. Rent a Bike provides a complete service for their e-bike rental as part of this offer. Businesses and regions can present themselves as e-bike destinations. Become part of our nationwide network of competent and well-located rental points.

Your advantages

  • Flexible seasonal rental period (5 - 12 months)
  • Complete service for e-bikes
  • TOP e-bikes from the brands FLYER, Tour de Suisse and Stevens Bikes
  • Delivery and collection of the e-bikes
  • Refinancing of rental costs through letting
  • National marketing included, Switzerland-wide network
  • Handbook with tips for renting
Models 2024

Models 2024

In the seasonal rental we offer various models of the brands FLYER, Tour de Suisse and Stevens

When choosing the appropriate type of e-bike, it depends on the topography, trail conditions and also your guest segment.

Models 2024

Price overview

  • Each e-bike is delivered including battery, charger and light.
  • Minimum order quantity: 2 e-bikes.
  • All prices include protection package and assistance

Price overview

Order form

Order the desired products for the seasonal rental via the order form.

NEW: Protection package and assistance included

If you would like to be listed as a rental station on the Rent a Bike folding card (available at all stations incl. SBB stations), send the order to Rent a Bike by 31.01.2024 at the latest.

Ordre form seasonal rental 2024

More information about seasonal rentals

More information about seasonal rentals

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Terms and conditions
  • Manual
  • Manuals


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